
Writeups for CSAW 2021 CTF

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Weak Password

Writeup by: OreoByte

Team: OnlyFeet

Writeup URL: GitHub

Can you crack Aaron’s password hash? He seems to like simple passwords. I’m sure he’ll use his name and birthday in it. Hint: Aaron writes important dates as YYYYMMDD rather than YYYY-MM-DD or any other special character separator. Once you crack the password, prepend it with flag{ and append it with } to submit the flag with our standard format. Hash: 7f4986da7d7b52fa81f98278e6ec9dcb.

Scripting it Out with 🐍 and Bash

First we create the dates part of the wordlist with a 🐍 script. Then use some bash and sed-foo to further modify the dates file mdy with name and special characters.

# month/day/year
from datetime import date, timedelta
sdate = date(1900,1,1)
edate = date(2022,1,1)
delta = edate -sdate

for i in range(delta.days + 1):
  day = sdate + timedelta(days=i)
  print(''.join([str(day.year), str(day.month), str(day.day)]))
python solve.py > mdy

sed -e 's/^/Aaron/' mdy > cap_user_date
sed -e 's/^/aaron/' mdy >> cap_user_date
sed -e 's/$/aaron/' mdy >> cap_user_date
sed -e 's/$/Aaron/' mdy >> cap_user_date
sed -e 's/^/Aaron /' mdy >> cap_user_date
sed -e 's/$/Aaron /' mdy >> cap_user_date

# special chars
cp cap_user_date final.lst
sed -e 's/$/!/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/@/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/#/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/$/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/%/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/^/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/&/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
sed -e 's/$/*/' cap_user_date >> final.lst
for i in {0..9}; do sed -e 's/$/$i/' cap_user_date >> final.lst; done

Let’s Get Crackin’

User hashid to identify the hash and then we can crack it with hashcat and the custom wordlist we just previously generated and a Hashcat rule to expand the wordlist a bit.

hashid -m 7f4986da7d7b52fa81f98278e6ec9dcb OR Hash Analyzer

$ hashcat 7f4986da7d7b52fa81f98278e6ec9dcb final.lst -r OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule
$ hashcat 7f4986da7d7b52fa81f98278e6ec9dcb final.lst -r OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule --show


Submit the flag and claim the points:
